December 27, 2016

Trainer Tip Tuesday: How to Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick!

It's about that time of year. You enjoyed your holidays, but something tells me you are also sooooo ready to get back on track. You want to stop the money hemorrhage, put down the sugar, and lose the extra holiday pounds. You are likely thinking about what next year will hold, but you are also thinking about all the times you've tried before, and seen your enthusiasm falter, quickly.

After my 5th successful year of goal setting, vision creation, and sticking to plans, I wanted to share some tips with you on how to make your 2017 resolutions STICK!

1. Specific and Attainable. Here's the thing, "eat better" or "workout more" or "save money" are not measurable or specific, therefore, never attainable. What do they mean? When you say "eat better" does that mean more often, less often, more veggies, less bread, no sugar, no alcohol, what does it mean?!!? It is crucial that you write these down.

Dramatic declarations have the same problem. "I'm going to lose 100 pounds this year" means nothing if you haven't set your expectations, and decided what that will look like long term.  2 pounds a week, over 52 weeks, is 104 pounds, so we know it can be done, but have you quantified it that way?  Have you figured out what you need to focus on to lose 2lbs a week?  If not, the time is NOW to do that.

2. Tell Everyone! So many people have gotten on and off the fitness, finance, career wagons, so many times, that they don't actually want to share their goals. They don't want to say they are really going vegetarian or vegan this year or they are really going to finally lose the baby weight or that this is the year they make health a lifestyle. It is so much EASIER to protect ourselves by keeping it a secret.

The problem with that is that there is no accountability. You will not be motivated forever. You might start strong, but with absolutely zero outside influence, there will come a day when you want to say screw it, and no one will be there to stop you.

I know, I used to do this! I would lose 30 pounds, and gain back 50!  By shouting it from the rooftops, joining a support group, getting a coach like myself, putting it on social media, and telling family or friends, you'll be uncomfortable, but you'll be more likely to do it!

3. Make Sure Your Goals Align: This is a big one, and I used to mess this one up badly. I see people say things like my goals are: lose 50 pounds, get my masters degree, and pay off all my debt.

Um okay, buuuuut you already work full time and have two kids, when are you going to find time to start a fitness journey AND get the grades you need to stay in your school program AND have the money to finance is all while you are trying to pay off your current debt?

By themselves, these goals are FANTASTIC, but they don't align with each other at all. What if you spent the first half of the year losing the weight, and then the second getting out of debt and applying for programs that start later on? I do believe you can have it all. I also believe focus is the key to doing so.  That prevents burn out, doesn't have you fighting against yourself internally, and creates results

4. Create a Vision Board and Statement. Your personal vision statement for the year should encompass all your major life priorities, and goals. Ideally it makes you feel great and is something you can come back to throughout the year, to remind you of where you want to go. Some people are word people, but most of us are actually picture people.

Think of this, if I tell you to picture a trash can, do you picture the letters T-R-A-S-H-C-A-N or did you picture a trash can? Making a vision board is the best way to solidify your vision in your mind. I recommend putting it everywhere.

I have a digital one as my computer background, phone back ground, Facebook coverphoto, etc. I also have a physical vision board in the form of a bulletin board that I add to or subtract from as the year goes on and my vision transform  If you need some help with your vision, consider this your personal invitation to attend my friend's "Creating Your 2017 Vision" live event, on Facebook, you can RSVP now HERE.

5.  Revisit Goals Often. Make a plan to check on your goals monthly, quarterly, etc. If your goal was 100 pounds this year, are you down at least 8lbs by the end of January? 25lbs in the first quarter? What are your milestones along the way?

Do you have a (non-food) reward for each check in? How will you stay motivated? Is it possible, after going for this goal, you realize it didn't align with your priorities, or will take longer than you had planned? What needs to change if so?

Active reflection is very good for knowing what you did well, where you can improve, and where you honestly are on your path. I love to ask myself what I want to do more of, and what I want to do less of, for the next month or quarter. Celebrate the successes, don't dwell on the bumps, and learn from it all!

6. Plan for Setbacks. Okay this one is a bonus, because 6 tips instead of 5 is just weird, but it's SO IMPORTANT. You will NOT do this perfectly. You will not nail it every day. This year may be YOUR YEAR, but that doesn't mean it will be without struggle. If you go into a goal, and have no plan for set backs, you're walking into failure through delusion.

You will screw up, you will get sick, you will forget your lunch, your kid will get sick, then your dog, things are going to happen. There will be weddings and vacations and holidays and you will slip. That is just the name of the game. So the question is, what is your plan for when that happens?

As far as my workouts go, I always follow my 10-minute Rule.  As long as I am not bedridden by illness (listen to your body!), I commit to always doing the first 10 minutes of my workout.  If after 10 minutes I still feel the need to stop, I do.  In 5 years, I can count on 1 hand the number of times I have actually stopped my workout after only 10 minutes!

I hope this was helpful and I look forward to celebrating an amazing year of growth, goals and life change, with you!!!

This blog post is part of my weekly series called Trainer Tip Tuesday.  Each Tuesday, I send a "Trainer Tip Tuesday" email, with a great tip/article I've come across recently, a recipe I have tried, or something health/fitness related that I personally experienced.  If you would like to subscribe to the email list and get my Trainer Tip Tuesday posts a week before they are published here, please CLICK HERE

December 19, 2016

Time to Recommit to MY Fitness Journey

2016 didn't turn out exactly as I planned. I am ending this year nearly 20 lbs heavier than I started it, which is not where I wanted to be at all.

BUT, it is where I am, and good or bad, I EARNED this body right here.

After a move, a career change, a kitchen remodel that lasted over 2 months, some family health issues, and 2 personal injuries, to name a few things, I should be (and am) grateful to have put on only 20lbs!)

With a more normalized schedule, better living arrangements, and a renewed commitment to my own wellbeing, I know 2017 is going to look very different than 2016 did.

I spoke to my coaching mentor about my recommitment to my own personal health journey and she invited me to be a PARTICIPANT in one of her support groups.

I seriously jumped at the chance to be part of an amazing community of women working toward their goals together. I told her "I'M ALL IN!"

If you are interested in participating in one of these online support groups, shoot me an email at or visit the JOIN A CHALLENGE section of this site.

December 10, 2016

Crockpot Shredded Chicken

I am always trying to simplify (read: speed up) my meal prep process, so anything I can automate is fantastic!

I use my crockpot a lot, so I figured, why not try to cook my chicken for the week in it.  Not only did I cook my chicken in it, I then shredded the chicken so I was able to use it for soups, salads, and even TACOS!!

* 4-6 frozen chicken breasts
* 1c broth or water per pound of chicken
* Salt and Pepper

* Place chicken in the crockpot.
* Pour broth over chicken and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
* Turn crockpot on and cook on LOW for 4-5 hours or HIGH for 2-3 hours
* Remove chicken and shred with 2 forks

By the way, the liquid in the crockpot is KEY, don't forget that!!  You can also add other spices as you may wish. :)

December 9, 2016

Vegan Chocolate NICE Cream

I don't know about you, but I am a sucker for ice cream.  It is by far one of my favorite desserts and whenever it is around I am in trouble ... it is so hard to say NO.

I have tried a couple different ice cream alternatives, with very little luck finding a viable substitute, until now.

I give you ... Vegan Chocolate NICE Cream!

* 1 medium banana, cut into chunks
* ½ cup unsweetened almond milk

* Place banana in re-sealable plastic bag; freeze for 4 hours, or until completely frozen.
* Place banana, almond milk, and Shakeology in blender (or food processor); cover. Blend until smooth.
* Serve immediately.

December 6, 2016

Staying Hydrated in Winter

I read about a jillion articles on hydration, tips on staying ahead of it, signs of dehydration, and so on. I probably could have made a list of 50+ different things, but 5 major ones were in almost everything I read, so I summarized for you.    

1. Water Bottle is KEY. Have a bottle with you at all times, ideally one you can easily refill, that doesn't leak or have condensation etc. My personal favorite is my new MOBOT that doubles as a foam roller!  How cool is that?!

2. Water Doesn't Only Come from Water. Well okay that doesn't make sense, but the point is to get fluids from other places. If you keep a diet of whole foods, with plenty of fruits and veggies, you get more water. If you drink (real) juices, eat soup, have herbal (read: no caffeine) tea, or put an extra 8 oz in your Shakeology, it ALL counts.

3. Schedule Everything! There were tips galore on this. Setting a timer, set an alarm, set emails to be sent to yourself, all to remind you to trip water. There are water apps, water reminding water bottles, and more. When I was working in an office, my favorite was to get water after every bathroom trip and/or trip to the printer. You'll always be replenishing  your liquids AND eventually you'll do it out of sheer habit, since we are conditioned to things like that so easily.

4. Cold/Hot Swap. I find it really hard to drink cool water when I'm cold.  Does anyone else have this problem??  I have much more success getting my water in during the colder months when it is at room temperature or slightly warmer.  Warm (not hot) water with a little lemon is my go to ... and it is gone in no time!

5. Don't Take Water OUT of Your Body. This is less about getting the water back in, but preventing the dehydration in the first place. Caffeine can be a diuretic, so too much coffee and tea could offset the water you are taking in with them.  And let's not forget the elephant in the room, good old alcohol, especially at those holiday parties.  If you must drink, or just REALLY want to, I suggest alternating between your alcoholic beverage of choice and water.

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