November 11, 2011

Fanciful Friday: Alcohol Lei

Recently I went to a Bachlorette party for a very good friend of mine.  The bachlorette party was held in Santa Barbara … we went wine tasting!  I knew I wanted to bring something special for the bride, but I was not sure what. 

When I turned 21, another friend of mine brought me an alcohol lei from Hawaii.  It consisted of 5 bottles of Smirnoff Vodka wrapped in a netting and spaced out with silk flowers.  I thought a recreation of this lei would be perfect for the bachlorette party.  Being the craft person that I am, I decided that instead of going out and purchasing an alcohol lei, I could instead just make one!  Plus, in making it I could customize the type of alcohol, the number of bottles and the colors I wanted to use.

I set out in search of the perfect “netting.”  The very first thing I thought of was fishnet stockings.  I could slip the bottle inside, tie off a knot, make a space, tie another knot, slip another bottle in, tie another knot, etc. until the stocking was full.  This is basically what I did.  But I took the stocking and cut the legs apart so there were two pieces.  Then I filled each “leg” and tied the legs together to make the necklace longer.  Between each of the bottles I left a space in which I could tie ribbon.  This made the lei look prettier and spacing out the bottles made it not as heavy as well.  

Someday I may write out step-by-step instructions, but for now, you will just have to enjoy the finished product OR if you really look at the pictures and think it through, I bet you can figure out how to make one yourself.

 The Bride wearing her the alcohol lei!

This makes the perfect gift for 21st birthdays, bachlorette parties, and other celebrations!

Crafting leis takes gumption!


  1. I made one of these! It came out nice but not as neat as yours! Ha I'd love to know exactly how you did yours!

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