August 31, 2015

Virtual Book Club: The Answer to How is Yes

I started running a personal development book club a few months back as a way to keep myself accountable to my own personal development endeavors AND so that I could discuss the epiphanies I had with people instead of just talking to myself!!

Normally we read one book a month, but I combined July and August and we read the book "The Answer to How is Yes" by Peter Block.  I had read this book in one of my leadership classes in college, but let's be realistic, that was quite some time ago now!!  It had stuck in my head and I figured it was time to revisit.

In short, the book describes how people ask "How?" as a defense against living their life and shows that many standard solutions and improvement efforts, reinforced by most of the literature, keep people paralyzed. The author places the ""how to"" craze in perspective and teaches people ways to ACT on what they already know, which in turn allows individuals to reclaim their freedom and capacity to create the kind of world in which they desire to live.  The method focus on self-mentoring, investing in relationships, accepting the unpredictability of life, and realizing that the individual prospers only when the community does.

One of the most fascinating parts of this book is that the author takes normal everyday question that we ask and flips them on their head creating a complete shift in perspective and ultimately response.

How do you do it? -----> What refusal have I been postponing?
How long will it take? -----> What commitment am I willing to make?
How much does it cost? -----> What is the price I am willing to pay?
How are other people doing it successfully? -----> What do we want to create together?

There are so MANY gems in this book I would practically be retyping the entire thing even in just sharing all my favorites. I urge you to pick up this book.  You won't be disappointed.  You can purchase it here:

If you are interested in joining the virtual book club in the future, I would love to here your thoughts.  Please follow me on facebook for an invitation to the next event:

August 27, 2015

Sweet and Salty Chips

I never used to understand the sweet and salty concept.  I was always one who preferred sweet OR salty.  But lately I've been loving it.  Made these awesome and super easy sweet potato chips, and just had to share the simple recipe.

* 1 Sweet Potato
* Extra Virgin Olive Oil
* Sea Salt
* Black Pepper


1.  Preheat oven to 250. 
2.  Clean sweet potato and cut out any bad parts. 
3.  Slice into thin pieces (try to make them the same thickness). 
4.  Lay in one layer on parchment paper on top of a baking sheet. 
5.  Brush with olive oil. 
6.  Dust with salt and pepper. 
7.  Put in the oven for 2-3 hours until golden and crunchy. 
8.  Enjoy!!
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