June 16, 2015

Ruin is the Road to Transformation

There have been several times in my life that I viewed as "ruinous." A lost job, a horrible illness, a devastating breakup, just to name a few. Most of these were accompanied by weeks or months of discontent, uncertainty, confusion, and then, SNAP I took some action, some small, unextraordinary action and that made all the difference. From each "ruinous" event, I emerged transformed, better than ever!!

Since April, I have been battling a series of throat infections, and a lot of my plans had to be cancelled or indefinitely delayed. I have been upset about "missing" opportunities, not being able to workout, and not carefully adjusting my nutrition to account for my lack of workouts. Again, I initially viewed this as purely ruinous.

Now, as I am already well on my way to recovering from a tonsillectomy that I had only yesterday, I am so incredibly excited to see the transformation awaiting me!! I know I have some hard work ahead of me to get back to my normal workouts and regular nutrition, and that it will be a lot like starting the first time. BUT I also know that the transformation will be worth the effort.

If you are in a place of "ruin" where you are in need of your own transformation (physical, mental, emotional, or some combination of all of these), let's travel the road to transformation together!

June 12, 2015

Fit is NOT a Destination

Like everyone, there are often times when I focus too much on being fit and not enough on just staying active. Then I get stressed about "not having time" to workout, skipping a specific workout, making sure I pushed myself hard enough etc. which is not good for anyone!!

Even if you are "too busy" to workout, you are not too busy to stay active. This morning I got to catch up with my friend Sasha AND be active as we walked along the water (pretty great view, right?!). 

Maybe you are at work right now, but could you take that conference call on your cell phone and walk around the block? What about doing some yoga at lunch? Perhaps walk to happy hour, or skip happy hour all together and go dancing instead?

Focus on active, and fit will take care of itself.

June 6, 2015

Chocolate Covered Strawberries Shake

Want decadent taste with the benefits of 70+ superfood ingredients?!  Well you came to the right recipe!!  How about some chocolate covered strawberries in a glass?

* 1c unsweetened almond milk OR water
* 1 scoop chocolate OR vegan chocolate shakeology
* 1c frozen strawberries

1.  Put liquid and shakeology in blender and blend.
2.  Add frozen sTrawberries and blend again
3.  Pour in glass and ENJOY!

June 2, 2015

Virtual Book Club: Your Hidden Riches

What is a virtual book club?  Well it is a book club but we meet online instead of in person.  Each month I pick a new personal development book, we all read it separately, and then on the first Monday of the following month we get together on a google hangout and discuss the book.

The book for the month of May was Your Hidden Riches: Unleashing the Power of Ritual to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood.

The book is a dense one for sure.  I found myself taking notes and re-reading sections to absorb it all.  It is jammed packed with information.  Your Hidden Riches calls each of us to tap into personal and community rituals.  Such a focus on ritual is designed to sustain us while we are being overwhelmed by information and expectations and to revitalize interconnection with all life.

The book describes how rituals are common in ancient cultures and yet have faded in our modern lives.  We have lost touch with the power and value of ritual to create balance and connection.

This is definitely a must read if you want to gain focus and become recentered in your life.  But be prepared to sit with the information for awhile.  Let it digest.  Use trial and error to see what works for you.  This is not a light or quick read, but well worth the effort.

Some of my favorite quotes from the book:

"Life force s integrating; it infuses the body and mind with exactly the right amount of energy to create flow, so that you are "in the zone" when doing what matters most to you.  It only make sense that maximizing your vital energy will improve your life."

"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how." Nietzsche

"When you base your own identity on such enduring values as love, respect, self-reliance, compassion, service, and so on, your sense of self is more permanent."

"Your identity isn't bound up with your salary or even accomplishments. 'I' is far more mysterious and changeable.  It shifts as you grow and evolve."

"A child cannot help but develop ... As an adult you have the choice to grow or not, and if you do choose to grow, your development will be mental,emotional, and spiritual, not physical."

"Anticipating the worst is a terrible waste of life."

"During the times of challenge, the greatest opportunities exist for clearing the blocks that have kept you from accessing the love, power, and creativity at your spiritual core."

"When you change, the world around you changes."

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