January 21, 2015

Resolution Solution

The #1 New Years Resolution is to lose weight, but only 8% of people actually succeed in achieving their resolutions. 

Only 8 out of 100 people (roughly) will achieve their resolution?!  Wow ... really makes you think huh? That is way beyond the "look to your left, look to your right, only one of you will graduate speech".  It is more like look at your entire table, and it's quite possible that none of you will make it.  That's pretty depressing actually.  But, what if ... what if you could BE that 8%.  I can't guarantee it, that's on you, but if one of your new year's resolutions for 2015 was to lose weight, get in shape, start eating healthier, or any number of health/fitness related resolutions, then read on for some tips on how to be the 8%.   

1. Set the Right Goals.  Yes, you should dream big, but you should set realistic goals along the way.  Don't focus on losing 60lbs this year.  Focus on losing 5lbs a month.  Already sounds better right?!

2. Be Consistent.  One bad meal didn't make you gain 20lbs, and one healthy meal isn't going to take it off.  Your daily choices compound to create a problem or a result.  Choose healthy options the majority of the time, with small indulgences here and there.

3. Plan Ahead.  Seriously, this is key.  Meal plan, shop, and prep in advance so you have no excuse for eating unhealthy.  Keep some healthy snacks on hand so you are not tempted by the drive-thru or vending machine.

4. Do NOT Eliminate.  Eliminating an entire food group is self-sabotage.  Elimination diets are not sustainable and you put yourself at risk of nutritional deficiencies.  

5. Celebrate Non-scale Victories.  The scale lies my friends.  It lies by omission as it fails to tell the whole truth.  You need to measure progress, not just pounds. Take into account measurements, the way your clothes fit, eating habits, sleeping habits, and ability to cope with stress.

6. Stay Active.  An object in motion stays in motion, while an object at rest stays at rest.  Get moving and keep moving, at least 30 mins a day, 3 days a week, preferably more than that.  A 1 hour workout is 4% of your day, can you give 4%?

7. Balance Energy In and Energy Out.  One of the most common problems among beginners, believe it or not, is eating too LITTLE, and causing their body to go into starvation mode. To lose weight, you should be eating at a deficit but not a deficiency.

8. Track.  Track everything.  Knowledge is power.  The more you know about your eating habits, working out habits, sleeping habits, moods, etc. the better you will be able to change those things to get the results you want.

9. Find Accountability.  Find some way to hold yourself accountable to your goals.  Share your goals with as many people as will listen.  Find a gym buddy or hire a trainer.  Join a bootcamp or start training for a race.  Or join one of my online challenge groups for continuous support and motivation.

10. DO NOT QUIT.  The only way to not stick to your resolution is by giving up on it.  Don't let setbacks turn into failures.  Make every setback a comeback and just keep aiming.

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